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Chinese translation for "registration period"


Related Translations:
registration committee:  注册事务小组
pad registration:  焊接点重合
registration error:  注记差
registration date:  登记日期注册时间
registration sheet:  登记表
slope registration:  斜坡登记
loan registration:  借阅登记
registration code:  注册码
registration proce:  登记程序
registration cycle:  选民登记周期
Example Sentences:
1.What is the registration period of the examinations
2.Only one entry for each applicant may be submitted during the registration period
3.Booking requests will only be accepted during the registration period and the examination period of each semester
4.I think i have to find out about the next exam ' s registration period . nope , not giving up . hang in there
5.The password slip with your computer user id and initial password will be given to you during the registration period
6.All mail received during the registration period will be individually numbered and successful entrants will be selected at random by computer regardless of time of receipt during the specified mail - in period
7.Please hand the first copy for backup to the registration desk during the registration period from 08 : 00 to 08 : 50 on the morning of april 25 . please bring the second copy to the pre - session meeting for your presentation . immediately after your session is finished , please pick up your cd disk in the session room
2 .携带光碟片:每一位论文宣读人均应于携带二片光碟片至会场,第一片光碟请于四月二十五日上午八时至八时五十分期间交至报到柜台(供备份之用) ,另一片光碟请携至宣读会场(供宣读之用) ,并于该场次结束时于会场取回光碟片。
8.On the other hand , the slow component of df is ascribed to the state qb - the next electron carrier of deoxidized side in ps ii . furthermore , we testified that the third component with lifetime much greater than the time of the registration period ( which is presented as a constant ) , is corresponds to the recombination of p680 + and the backward transport electron from ps i
延迟荧光的衰减动力学依赖于从q回流的电子( electron )与氧化态的p680 ~ + ,其中快相延迟荧光成份源于q _ a ~ -上电子回流与p680 ~ +的复合产生,慢相成份源于q _ b ~ =上电子的回流与p680 ~ +的复合产生。
Similar Words:
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